Novapura Inc.

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Since 2006, the name Novapura has been synonymous with innovation in the hygiene sector. With the products we develop, our customers have the appropriate tools at hand to solve any hygiene problem. We can disinfect!

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It all started with a molecule with very strong antimicrobial activity. Around this we developed application devices for surface disinfection. But this also led to additives for paints and plastics. The goal we set ourselves at the beginning of the journey has remained the same: sustainably germ-free surfaces.

Application equipment: The showpiece is the aseptobot, a self-propelled robot that disinfects rooms autonomously. The latest technology is used, with the aim of making room disinfection simple, safe and highly efficient. Other spraying and fogging equipment is available to our customers: from a simple nozzle for use in a harsh environment, to a dual-nozzle system used in aircraft.

A lot is happening in terms of disinfectants from a regulatory point of view. Nevertheless, we remain true to our credo: in addition to a high level of effectiveness, disinfectants must have very good material compatibility. Quats or salt-free chlorine dioxide are used as basic substances. The disinfectants formulated from these substances, together with the application equipment, are used in the healthcare sector, in the food industry, in the pharmaceutical industry, in logistics and transportation, in the hotel industry and in ventilation and air-conditioning systems. A large field of application is also the remediation of mold infestation. This does not stop at any industry and requires comprehensive specialist knowledge from the remediator. We impart the latter directly to interested customers.

An exotic product is our odor neutralizer, which is applied with the same equipment. As a sustainable alternative to ionization or the use of ozone, this fast process has proven itself in countless cases.

Additives: We are internationally active with these products. The additives are used in coatings and plastics, with the aim of producing components with self-disinfecting surfaces. The field of application is huge, especially in the med-tech sector.

Hygiene emergency
Hygiene emergency