This website has been created and published by Enzler Reinigungen AG, with its office at Förrlibuckstrasse 70, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland, registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Zurich under the number CHE-105.930.220 (“we“, “us“, etc.).

The use of this website and the customer account is subject to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please refrain from further use or revisiting this website. By using the website or accepting these terms in the context of opening a customer account, you explicitly declare that these terms were accessible to you and that you agree with them.

We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Except as expressly provided herein, all information, statements, goods, and services on this website will be subject to the new terms and conditions immediately. If you continue to use the Website, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes. If you have opened a customer account on the website, you will be informed by e-mail of any changes to the terms of use. These shall be deemed to be agreed if you do not terminate the Terms of Use within 14 days of receipt of the e-mail by deactivating or deleting your customer account.

You use the website on your own responsibility and are therefore responsible for compliance with the national legal provisions applicable in your country. This applies in particular if access to or use of the website may be prohibited by law in certain countries. In this case, use is prohibited.

When you visit our website, certain data is collected automatically (e.g., via cookies). The data protection regulations are therefore valid. You can find the data protection regulations here.

3.1 General

Access to the website is generally possible without registration. However, it may be necessary to set up a customer account to use all the functions of the website. The customer account requires for the login in each case your e-mail address and the entry of a password (“login data”).

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the login data. You are prohibited from allowing any third party to access your account without our express consent. In the event of unauthorized access to your account, you must notify us immediately

3.2 Functionalities of the customer account

Various functionalities are available to you on the customer account. For example, you can create a profile and receive various overviews of the orders you have placed. The functionalities of the customer account can be continuously supplemented or changed.

3.3 Registration and activation

The creation and use of a customer account is free of charge. As an authorized person of your company based in Switzerland, you can open a customer account. In principle, only one customer account can be opened per company and person.

The use of the customer account and its functionalities requires registration. Registration requires the entry of your first and last name, your correct e-mail address, and a password. You warrant and represent that all data provided for registration is correct and that you will keep the data in the customer account up to date. We cannot determine with certainty whether you are actually the person you claim to be. Therefore, we assume no liability for the correct identification of the registered person. After entering the data for opening the customer account, you will receive a temporarily valid validation link by e-mail. By using and confirming the sent validation link, you can activate your customer account. Based on the completed registration, we will provide you with the customer account in accordance with these Terms of Use on a non-exclusive and non-transferable basis for the duration of these Terms of Use to use for your own purposes.

The customer account is personal. You agree to keep your login information confidential and not to disclose it to any third party or allow any third party to use your customer account. If you have any indications of unauthorized access to your customer account, you undertake to inform us immediately. We shall not be liable for any damage resulting from your failure to keep your login data secret, to allow a third party to use your customer account, to use the login data of a third party, or to fail to contact us in the event of indications of unauthorized access to your account.

We reserve the right to refuse to set up a customer account or to delete it if there are indications of misconduct.

3.4 Exclusion of warranty and limitation of liability within the framework of the customer account

In addition to Section 4 of these Terms of Use, the following applies: We always endeavor to update the customer account and the associated functionalities and to provide them in high quality. The services according to these Terms of Use are provided to you free of charge. Therefore, we do not warrant that the customer account and related functionalities will be free of defects or that they will be available to you without interruption. We are not responsible for your use of the customer account. We shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages (such as for loss of data, consequential damages, claims by third parties or loss of profits) arising in connection with the use of the customer account functionalities or the services provided by us, unless the damages are proven to have been caused by us intentionally or through gross negligence.

3.5 Copyrights and other intellectual property rights

The customer account is protected by copyright. It is not permitted to use the customer account or the web-based application on which the customer account is based beyond the authorization in these terms of use.

3.6 Interruption of access

We are entitled to interrupt access to the customer account at any time if this is necessary for maintenance and improvement work on the customer account.

3.7 Use in compliance with the law

You undertake to use the customer account in accordance with the law and, in particular, not to store any illegal content in the customer account or to distribute such content via the customer account. We are entitled to block access to the customer account at any time if it is being used unlawfully or if we have reason to believe that it is being used unlawfully or in violation of these Terms of Use.

3.8 Termination

These Terms of Use between you and us are entered into for an indefinite period of time. You may terminate the Terms of Use at any time by deactivating or deleting your customer account. We may terminate these Terms of Use at any time with seven days’ notice or for cause (e.g., if there is evidence of misconduct) with immediate effect.

All contents of this website are for general information purposes only. We make every effort to ensure that the content is correct, up-to-date, and free of errors and does not infringe the rights of third parties.

To the extent permitted by law, we do not assume any liability or warranty for the correctness, reliability, functionality, marketability, completeness, (satisfactory) quality, suitability for any use, non-infringement of rights or the absence of defects of the goods and services presented on this website.

Likewise, to the extent permitted by law, we do not assume any liability or warranty for the results obtained from the use of the information provided. All statements, information, downloadable data, and files etc. on this website are provided without warranty as to their correctness, completeness, accuracy, consistency, warranties of characteristics, specific results or the like.

To the extent permitted by law, we cannot in any case (explicitly or implicitly) accept any liability for the information provided; neither for losses or damages of any kind nor indirect damages and/or consequential damages or losses. We shall not be liable for any punitive or incidental damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, data, other intangibles, costs of procurement of substitute goods or services) arising out of your access to, use of, or inability to use this website, or any links to other websites or services from this website (including, without limitation, direct access to or downloading of any data or files, or any screensavers or other computer software available from this website), even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

We make no representation or warranty that the functions, content, downloadable files, and software on this website will be error-free (including, without limitation, computer viruses, Trojan horses, malicious code that may interfere with the proper working of any software, hardware or other equipment or materials) or uninterrupted, that defects will be corrected, or that this website or the servers are free of harmful components. Access to the Website may be interrupted or impossible at any time, in particular during maintenance and improvement works on the Website.

This disclaimer of liability and responsibility also applies to all companies affiliated with us.

We reserve the right at any time to change the information provided or offered on this website regarding goods and services without prior notice or to no longer offer goods and services. In any case, the availability and stock of specified goods and services remains reserved.

All intellectual property rights (copyright, trademark, design and patent rights) to the content of this website are reserved. Images, text, graphics, computer software, etc. contained, presented or downloadable from this website may not be copied, downloaded, or otherwise used unless otherwise indicated. The downloading or printing of individual pages and/or sections of this website is permitted, provided that neither the copyright notices nor other legally protected designations are removed, and the source is fully acknowledged. If data or programs are downloaded from this website or reproduced in any other way, all ownership and intellectual property rights thereto shall remain with us or any third-party rights holder. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into, or use for any public or commercial purpose this website without our prior written permission and without fully acknowledging the source. We do not grant any rights (especially intellectual property rights) to the users of the website, except for the rights necessary to use the website.

We maintain business relationships with various partners. Several images on our website are therefore the property of third parties. The corresponding provisions in this section therefore also apply regarding the intellectual property rights of third parties.

The establishment of links to pages of this website or the customer account requires our prior written consent. Framing (i.e., embedding in another website) of pages of this website or the customer account is prohibited.

Some links on our website refer to websites that have been set up by third parties. We have no control over these websites and the information, goods or services offered, presented, or stated there, nor have we reviewed these websites or their content. We assume no responsibility or liability for the content of third-party websites. The use of links to third party websites does not mean that we endorse or recommend them or accept any warranty or liability for them.

Details, offers, illustrations, etc. of goods and services on this website are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute a solicitation, offer or recommendation to purchase any goods or to use any services.

We are not obligated to answer any requests for quotations or price quotations or to accept any orders which are made or sent based on information, data, illustrations etc. on the website. In particular, we reserve the right not to respond to requests sent by e-mail. We disclaim any responsibility for the receipt of inquiries, orders, requests for quotations or price quotes, etc. sent by e-mail or otherwise.

Even if the use of this website is permitted for a person, it must not be concluded that the goods and services presented on this website are available in any particular state or territory or will be delivered there.

The foregoing provisions as well as the use of this website (including inquiries, offers, orders, etc. resulting from the use of this website) shall be governed by substantive Swiss law, excluding the rules of the Vienna Sales Convention and conflict of law’s provisions.

The courts of the city of Zurich, Switzerland, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use and the use of this website (including inquiries, offers, orders, etc. resulting from the use of this website). However, we have the right to proceed before any other competent court.

Stand: 12.06.2023

Hygiene emergency
Hygiene emergency