Chemical products

Klenz superenzyme

Enzler Reinigungen Inc.

  • Short exposure time
  • Little manual wortk required
  • Hardly any danger for the surface, user and environment
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Package size



For mixing you need hot water (approx. 40-60°C) and e.g. a spray bottle, for 1 liter approx. 20 grams of powder are sufficient, which corresponds to half a measuring cup. For larger quantities, the following application mixtures have proven themselves:

Amount of water              Amount of enzymepowder          
up to 3 liter 20-40 gr
up to 5 liter 50-60 gr
up to 10 liter 60-100 gr
up to 50 liter 100-150 gr The solution can also be processed cold for up to 48 hours
up to 100 liter 150-200 gr
up to 150 liter 250 gr
up to 200 liter 300 gr


Manual cleaning manuellereinigung
Single-disc machine einscheibenmaschinen
Spray cleaning spruehreinigung
Carpets teppichboeden
Hard floors hartboeden
Caution dangerous Vorsicht Gefährlich
pH-value 10.75-11.25
container size 1kg / 3Kg / 10Kg

The company Burger Reinigungstechnik GmbH from Dietzenbach DE has developed its own enzyme cleaning agent. It comes in powder form and is mixed with hot water. The resulting cleaning solution can be used for 48 hours. Even if the product cools down during this time, it remains fully effective.

As with all enzyme cleaning agents, the product does not only contain enzymes, as the enzymes are only the catalyst. Other active substances are added to the product, which are then used as cleaning agents.

The cleaning solution is particularly effective wherever large amounts of grease, oil or other organic soiling are present. The product also works very well when cleaning after a fire. Soot is removed just as well as greasy deposits in a commercial kitchen.

Thanks to its broad spectrum of action and excellent material compatibility, the product is also used for cleaning solar collectors. The PV systems are sprayed with the cleaning agent solution beforehand and rinsed with clean water after the exposure time.

The cleaning agent is very safe to use. No special health and safety precautions need to be taken. (Safety goggles are worn anyway when a cleaning agent is sprayed on. We also recommend this for this chemical product)

The areas of application

  • Kitchen
  • Industry
  • Fire restoration
  • Facade cleaning
  • PV system cleaning

The types of soiling

  • Fats
  • Oils
  • Soot
  • Deposits due to weathering
  • Algae and mosses
  • Other organic soiling


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