
Revolution in floor cleaning: less chemistry, more sustainability

The Excentr single disc machine is characterized by its innovative eccentric technology. In contrast to conventional single-disc sanders, where the disc is driven by a circular motion, the disc of the Excentr single-disc machine moves eccentrically. In the following article, the advantages and disadvantages, the wide field of application and the contribution to sustainability are shown.

Excentrmaschine Einscheibenmaschinen

Initial solution

The challenges to traditional cleaning are constantly growing. Less and less time, chemistry and energy are to be spent on getting the job done.

Cleaning time is the number one cost factor in the execution of cleaning work in Switzerland. In maintenance cleaning, it is currently assumed that about 80% of the subscription price is spent directly on costs at the place where the service is performed. The largest part of this is spent on hourly wages and non-wage labor costs. For equipment and chemistry, only relatively small amounts are incurred.

In order to further improve sustainability, which is mainly analyzed in terms of ecology, there is little room for maneuver in view of the already often ecology-certified products.

What solution can Excentr offer here?

The Excentr System

Scrubbing machines with excenter technology have been available for several years and from various manufacturers. Scrubber-driers have also been equipped with such oscillating scrubber decks. The advantages of these machines come with some compromises.

The comparison of the Excentr machines with a classic single-disc machine:

– Speed 2’850 rpm = a lot of mechanics– A lot of movement creates a lot of vibration
– Whole scrub deck moves evenly– It can spray all around
– Very easy handling– High machine weight
– Little training required– Higher machine price
– Large variety of plate sizes– Specific accessories needed
– Can easily reach corners– Somewhat bulkier to transport
– The entire scrub deck surface lies flat– Additional weights required

Since the Excentr machines do not rotate like a classic single-disc machine, but only oscillate, the entire surface of the tool can lie flat on the floor. This means that the entire surface develops its effect at the same time. In addition, with a normal single-disc machine, the tool automatically rotates faster on the outside than on the inside. Thus, only the outer area produces a strong cleaning effect. Therefore, with the conventional system, work must be done in circles and overlapping. Another advantage is the rectangular shape. It allows to reach also the edges and corners, which would not be accessible for a round machine. Manual pre- or post-processing of the edge areas is thus completely eliminated.

The special pads for the Excentr system

Important to know: The Excentr system does not only consist of the different machines, but the result is significantly related to the special pads. These pads look very similar to the standard single-disc machine pads. However, if you hold the two pads against a light source, you can see that there are big differences (see illustration). The Excentr pads are woven much more open. This allows the dirt to be transported out of the pad to the edge of the machine despite a short movement of only 7mm. The cleaning effect remains stable over a long period of time. Otherwise, the pad would fill up with dirt particles and quickly lose its effect.

Excentr Pads (right) compared with standard single-disc machine pads (left)

In addition to the “normal” pads, Excentr offers some special products. Since brushes hardly produce any effect due to the small movement circle of only 7mm, these popular tools are completely omitted. To fill this gap, the so-called fiber pad was developed. It resembles an artificial turf that has been cut back very short. Uneven surfaces can be cleaned better with a fiber pad. In addition, joints are optimally cleaned by the circular motion. The joint brush for manual processing often does not need to be used separately.

Popular problem solvers such as the melamine resin pads or the 3M SPP pads are also used with the Excentr system.

The melamine resin pad, often called the “magic sponge”, is the problem solver par excellence. It is very suitable when aggressive chemicals are not required or the surface poses special challenges and shines with its unique mode of action. Wetted with water alone, the special pad removes stubborn dirt. The use of special basic cleaning agents can be dispensed with. This is the case, for example, with the difficult-to-clean microporous porcelain stoneware tiles or textured PVC laminate.

The popular SPP (Surface Preparation Pad) from 3M has been further developed for the Excentr machines. The so-called Alustrip pad has been tempered with aluminum oxide as a very stable abrasive. This gives the pad a very long and uniform effect. Due to its well-known fine pad structure, it is much gentler on the surface than, for example, a classic black pad. Scratches thus do not occur in the first place.

Areas of application

The Excentr system offers an advantage in many fields of application. Some specific jobs are worth highlighting.

Intermediate cleaning in maintenance cleaning

Because the smaller Excentr machines are also available with a rechargeable battery and are much easier to operate than normal single-disc machines, they are the perfect choice for intermediate cleaning. With little training, the Excentr machine can be explained to the employees so that it can be used directly for intermediate cleaning.

The advantages for intermediate cleaning are obvious:

  • No or little basic cleaning agents are used (advantage for occupational safety and the environment)
  • Machine easier to operate than single-disc machine
  • No cable, no tripping hazards
  • Uniform cleaning result even for not very experienced operators
  • Corners are cleaned in one operation
  • Often possible without wet vacuum cleaner, as no chemicals have to be removed

Basic cleaning

Since the machines with their various configurations and dimensions offer a solution for all areas of basic cleaning, they quickly become a beloved partner. The small machines are well suited for overlooked areas, such as WC cubicles or peripheral areas in large kitchens. They also show their strengths on stairs. The large machines unfold their effect on open areas. They can work very quickly and efficiently there. In most cases, up to four times faster than with a 16-inch single-disc machine.

Depending on the surface to be worked on and the pads used, cleaning chemicals can be dispensed with more often than not. Here’s an example:

A Forbo linoleum from 2005 is installed in the property. It has already been primed and coated once in the classic manner. Now the customer has ordered a new coating. Instead of the classic finish, the contractor has decided to carry out a so-called “top stripping”. This means that he grinds the surface using an Excentr machine and an Alustrip pad. In the process, residues of the coating remain on the surface. But more importantly, coating residue is left in the surface. Then the floor is vacuumed and wiped with a damp flat mop. Now, a few minutes after pretreatment, the floor covering is ready for recoating. The result is visually identical to the usual procedure. But instead of using chemicals to remove the entire previous coating from the linoleum flooring, only the damaged surface is removed and the new coating is applied. This eliminates the need to neutralize the cleaning solution and the drying time. No toxic wastewater is produced and the amount of microplastic is also reduced to an absolute minimum, since the entire coating structure is not removed.


Since the machines lie flat on the surface and do not rotate around their own axis, it is impossible for so-called holograms or half-moons to form. This is a big problem with the classic equipment when machine operators perform grinding or polishing work, who do not do it frequently and thus lack the routine.

Sanding nets and sandpaper are available in the highest quality to meet the various challenges. For example, SIA’s Swiss-made sandpaper is used.


Whether the parquet is to be sanded before oiling or cleaned in between, both are possible with Excentr machines. Applying and polishing out the oil can also be done with the same machine. Much less routine is required than with the traditional round machine.


In conclusion, the Excentr system offers a wide range of solutions that fit the problems in commercial cleaning. Sustainability is as important as ergonomics, simplicity, and durability of the machines.

In terms of sustainability, it can be concluded that the Excentr single-slice machine:

  • Enables thorough cleaning with less water and detergents. Resources are saved and the environmental impact is reduced.
  • is particularly durable due to its robust design and high-quality materials. As a result, it needs to be replaced less frequently, which saves resources and reduces the need for new equipment.
  • is designed to be easily repaired. As a result, it can be quickly repaired in the event of a defect.
  • can be used for a variety of cleaning tasks, reducing the need for different cleaning equipment.
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